Projects Detail

Maelezo ya Mradi

  • Jina la mradi: Uanzishwaji wa makampuni ya biashara ya kuunganisha vifaa vya ICT na Vifaa
  • Wakala wa Utekelezaji: MICIT
  • Gharama ElekeziTo be jointly established
  • Status: .
  • Sector: Telecommunication
Main development challenge/s the project will address:
The share of the manufacturing sector in GDP is relatively low, at 5.2%, with the ICT manufacturing sector
accounting for 0.004% of the manufacturing output 1 . Currently, Tanzania does not have ICT development
or assembly facilities in the country, it depends on the importation of electronic gadgets (phon es, laptops,
desktops, smart boards, TV, etc.). The country plan is to increase broadband penetration from 43% in 2020
to 80% in 2025 where ICT equipment and accessories are important fact in achieving this plan. The
requirement for computers is very high since the country's vision is to provide laptops for every child in
primary, secondary schools, Universities, and vocation training institutes. As the demand and usage for
computers and mobile phones increase the need for good quality broadband connectivity with reliable
infrastructure is required. Having optical fiber cable manufactured in Tanzania will guarantee the target is
reached. The average total enrolment at primary, secondary schools, Vocation Training Institutes, and
Universities is 4.5 million. In addition, there are 23,295 primary and secondary schools of which the plan
is to provide the smart class for every school by 2025. Apart from the local market, the industry will
address the shortage of low-cost devices that are affordable in the EAC, SADC, and COMESA market of
400million people.